Future Mathematicians Programme

THE PRE-Launch Phase

Blue Wave
Hello future mathematician I am Cerene Rathilal the Director of this exciting programme which aims to introduce you to a whole new dimension of well of course mathematics The Future Mathematicians Programme is all about enjoying mathematics through mathematical explorations You may think of it as an expedition that will reveal interesting places you have not seen before And indeed in case you did not know this mathematics has much to do with travelling so buckle up and join the Champions of the Future Mathematicians Programme who will be your pilots in the incredible journey that awaits you
What we DO Recruit you based on your passion for mathematics Help you discover the art of mathematical exploration Inform you about the career options and opportunities that await you as a Future Mathematician
What we DO NOT do Recruit you based on your marks in mathematics Help you with your school or university mathematics work Advise you on which study programme to follow at university

discover the


of the future mathematicians programme

Future Mathematicians Programme activities are called Expeditions. Each Expedition is coordinated by a Champion with the help of their Expedition Crew. The coordination consists of the following components:


Every mathematical expedition has a map that is designed by an “architect”

Minimal Thin Arrow Straight


Physical site where the expedition takes place, e.g., name of school or university campus


Resources required to run an expedition


Mathematical exploration activity with learners/students facilitated by a “pilot”


This is the final stage of an expedition, which includes reporting on the exploration activity

Purple glowing fractal circle
NITheCS Abstract Algebra Expedition Series
Champion Cerene Rathilal Crew Sophie Marques Zurab Janelidze Brandon Laing
White square shadow
Abstract Algebra Vol 1
White square shadow
Abstract Algebra Vol 2
White square shadow
Abstract Algebra Vol 3
White square shadow
Abstract Algebra Vol 4
Purple glowing fractal circle
NITheCS School Expedition Series
Champion Brandon Laing pilot Site Somerset College Stellenbosch May June 2023
Champion Zurab Janelidze pilot Site Potchefstroom Boys High Scrool 10 August 2023 Crew Elisabeth and Sergei Shpectorov judge Bernardus Wessels judge
Champion Cerene Rathilal judge Site Star College Durban 18 August 2023 Crew Simon Corcos judge Chevarra Hansraj judge Zurab Janelidze pilot
Click on Website Link Icon
Purple glowing fractal circle
NITheCS Undergraduate Mathematical Exploration Olympiads
Champion Zurab Janelidze pilot Site Stellenbosch University 27 August 2023 Crew Mesias Alfeus judge Carlyle Stewart co organiser and idea inceptor Jonathan Shock judge Francois van Niekerk judge
Click on Website Link Icon
space circle hole hallway background
Watch this space for more videos coming soon

Meet the


of the future mathematicians programme

Anastacia Dlamini is a mathematician at the Univerity of South Africa Email dlamia unisa ac za
Andrew Craig is a mathematician at the University of Johannesburg Email acraig uj ac za
Brandon Laing is a mathematics teacher at the Somerset College near Stellenbosch in South Africa He is enrolled in a joint PhD programme of Stellenbosch University and the University of Amsterdam Email blaing sun ac za
Cerene Rathilal is a mathematician at the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa Email rathilalc ukzn ac za
Charles Msipa is a mathematician based at Tshwane University of Technology in South Africa Email msipansk gmail com
Eder Kikianty is a mathematician at the University of Pretoria Email eder kikianty up ac za
Erna Lampen is a mathematics educator at Stellenbosch University Email ernalampen sun ac za
Jonathan Shock is a mathematician at the University of Cape Town in South Africa Email jon shock gmail com
Noluntu Baart is a mathematics educator at the Department of Education Gqeberha and is a PhD student in mathematics education at Stellenbosch University Email a ac za
Nolwazi Nkomo is a PhD student in mathematics at the University of South Africa Email nkomons unisa ac za
Sophie Marques is a mathematician at Stellenbosch University in South Africa Email smarques sun ac za
Simo Mthethwa is a mathematician at the University of KwaZulu Natal Email mthethwas4 ukzn ac za
Vivien Visaya is a mathematician at the University of Johannesburg Email mvvisaya uj ac za
Zurab Janelidze is a mathematician at Stellenbosch University Email zurab sun ac za
We are recruiting Champions write to the Director of the Future Mathematicians Programme if interested to join the programme in this role Cerene Rathilal rathilalc ukzn ac za



of the future mathematicians programme

Cement 3d column. White column 3d. Concrete pedestal.

The National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences is an ecosystem of researchers in some of the fields of basic sciences, including physics and mathematics

The South African Mathematical Society

is the home of working mathematicians across South Africa

The South African Mathematics Foundation brings together research mathematicians and mathematics teachers

Wisaarkhu is an online science magazine that explores the human side of mathematics

Absolute X is a unifying entity for the programmes run by Cerene Rathilal

Cement 3d column. White column 3d. Concrete pedestal.

The DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences supports mathematicians and statisticians nationally.

Partnerships being established
Cement 3d column. White column 3d. Concrete pedestal.
We are looking to expand out partner network If we did not reach out to you yet please do reach out to us by writing to the Director of the Future Mathematicians Programme to join as a partner Cerene Rathilal rathilalc ukzn ac za



of the future mathematicians programme

Paper line background , notebook in a line, Math paper